Ranking the STRONGEST Jujutsu Kaisen ADULTS

Ranking the STRONGEST Jujutsu Kaisen ADULTS

#ThisIsChris #JujutsuKaisen #anime

Today we are looking at the strongest ADULTS in Jujutsu Kaisen. This is a follow up to my student video from a couple weeks ago and covers the same material.

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Today we’ll be talking about the adults in jujutsu Kaisen, including Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Kenjaku, Mei Mei, Toji and more. We’ll cover their cursed techniques and how well they perform against cursed spirits.

Jujutsu Kaizen is an shonen anime about Jujutsu Sorcerers; people who try to control the cursed spirits created by humans. Jujutsu Kaizen features many characters including Gojo, Nanami, Mei Mei, Kenjaku, Pseudo – Geto, Yuta, and more.

The strongest players left in the Culling games, Zhoniin, Definitely Azyn, how strong is, Gojo, how strong is Hakari, Jujutsu Kaizen, The Shibuya incident, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 190, Jujutu Kasien Chaper 191, Anime, Gigguk