【五条悟】コイツ ハイになってる…?/is he delirious?【呪術廻戦】英語シャドーイング上級者向け(TOEIC600点~)

【五条悟】コイツ ハイになってる…?/is he delirious?【呪術廻戦】英語シャドーイング上級者向け(TOEIC600点~)

呪術廻戦 懐玉編五条vsパパ黒(禪院甚爾)戦における五条悟の「術式反転 赫(あか)」シーンの日本語/英語解説です。


0:10 術式反転 赫(あか)/Cursed technique reversal: Red       

0:28 よぉ 久しぶり/Yo. Long time no see

0:35 …マジか/…For real?

0:41 大マジ 元気ピンピンだよ/For real real. I feel like new.

0:55 反転術式!!/Reverse cursed technique!

1:02 正っ解っ!!/Correct!

1:09 オマエに喉ブチ抜かれた時 反撃は諦めて反転術式に全神経を注いだ /
When you so kindly stabbed me through my throat, I gave up on fighting back.
Instead I focused everything I had into reverse cursed technique

1:36 呪力は負の力(エネルギー)/ Cursed energy is born from negativity.

1:44 肉体の強化はできても再生することはできない
Even if you can reinforce your body, reconstructing body parts is impossible

That’s why you multiply the negative energy
together to make positive energy.
That’s reverse cursed technique!

言うは易し 俺も今までできたことねーよ
But it’s easier said than done.
And you know what else?
I’ve never been able to do it before

2:40 ペラペラと…!!…コイツ ハイになってる…?
He’s rumbling… is he delirious?

It’s about one person I know who can do it
just talks a bunch of gibberish too.

3:11 ひゅーっとやってひょいっだよ ひゅーひょいっ 
You just fwoosh. Then fwish. Fwoosh and fwish! Don’t you get it, loser?

3:34 だが死に際で掴んだ 呪力の核心!!
But right on the verge of death,
I understood! The core of cursed energy!

You lost. You should have cut my head off,
and you didn’t use that cursed tool
when you stabbed me in the head

…敗因? 勝負はこれからだろ
Lost? The battle’s just beginning.

あ゛ー?そうか?そうだな そーかもなあ!!
What? Is that right! Maybe you are right. You are so right!!

The positive energy born from
reverse cursed technique

Flows into the limitless cursed technique carved into me

5:25 術式反転 赫(あか)/Cursed technique reversal: Red

5:44 ハッ 化物(バケモノ)が /Heh…you’re a monster!