呪術廻戦 [Jujutsu Kaisen] 両面宿儺を復活させる計画 ~Mahito wants to feed Yuji of Sukuna’s fingers to revive Sukuna

呪術廻戦 [Jujutsu Kaisen]   両面宿儺を復活させる計画 ~Mahito wants to feed Yuji of Sukuna’s fingers to revive Sukuna

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Young Gojo Meets Kid Megumi

Yuji is unable to take back his body due to repercussions from overusing Sukuna. The King of Curses takes advantage of that and decides that he’s going to take the body hostage and kill Megumi. Feeling responsible for dealing with Yuji, Megumi prepares to face Sukuna on his own.
#mahito #nanami