Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2018. The individual chapters are collected and published by Shueisha, with thirteen tankōbon volumes released as of October 2020. With jujutsu kaisen episode 12 on its way there is still a lot to talk about. In jujutsu kaisen cursed tools cursed weapons and cursed objects are used when there is a jujutsu kaisen fight and a lot of jujutsu kaisen best moments are gonna be covered in the jujutsu kaisen anime of course In this jujutsu kaisen explained or jujutsu kaisen review or jujutsu kaisen analysis we cover the aspects of jujutsu kaisen cursed weapons and even the jujutsu kaisen best with a contender being toji fushiguro vs gojo satoru the jujutsu kaisen opening features characters that use cursed weapons such as maki zenin alongside the main cast which are gojo satoru yuji itadori megumi fushiguro and nobara kugisaki the jujutsu kaisen ending also shows them too but the most important things are the jujutsu kaisen battle because that is when these weapons will be used most #jujutsukaisen #jjk
[ASMR]圧倒的包容力で彼氏に甘やかされる話 じゅじゅプラス 五条悟 #呪術廻戦 #五条悟 #じゅじゅプラス 2023.07.31
※声真似要素は一切ありません 引用 ©芥見下々/集英社・呪術廻戦製作委員会 /MAPPA 様 https://jujutsukaisen.jp/ (夢[…]
ざつだん(2022年12月11日) 2022.12.11
(夢小説マイリス) ふぉろーしたらいいことあるかも ↓ Tweets by nagomi06 LINE@で限定ボイスも配信中 https://lin.[…]
[ASMR] デレデレに豹変したイザナ。。 #東京リベンジャーズ #黒川イザナ 2023.01.11
※声真似要素はありません お借りした台本(野分さん) (夢小説マイリス) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list&[…]